Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gene Bob puts it all into perspective.

A fable about Russia and Georgia

I know millions (billions?) of you are hanging by your fingertips, waiting on my opinion regarding the Russian invasion of Georgia. If you expect me to back John McCain, whose mantra is "War! War! Invade! Invade!" .. well, you're sadly mistaken.

Kindly allow me to paint a picture for you:
  1. Let's assume the USA decides to make Georgia a strategic ally.
  2. The USA sells lots of arms to the Georgians. Yes, they know Russia is next door.
  3. Separately, the USA announces plans to put missiles in Poland.
  4. Next, two of the 11 Georgian states (with large numbers of Russian expats) say they no longer want to be part of Georgia.
  5. Georgia sends in federal troops to prevent that from happening.
  6. In order to "protect the Russian expats", Russia invades Georgia.
  7. Now, the UN blames Russia for invading.
  8. A war-first US Senator (running for President) pledges his support for Georgia.
  9. Meanwhile, the USA sits back, ready to sell Georgia more weapons as soon as the coast is clear.
Now, for purposes of argument, let's switch the names of the players:

USA -> Russia
Georgia -> Mexico
Poland -> Cuba
Russia -> USA
  1. Let's assume Russia decides to make Mexico a strategic ally.
  2. Russia sells lots of arms to the Mexicans. Yes, they know the USA is next door.
  3. Separately, Russia announces plans to put missiles in Cuba.
  4. Next, two of the 31 Mexican states (with large numbers of US expats) say they no longer want to be part of Mexico.
  5. Mexico sends in federal troops to prevent that from happening.
  6. In order to "protect the US expats", the USA invades Mexico.
  7. Now, the UN blames the USA for invading.
  8. A war-first Russian Senator (running for President) pledges his support for Mexico.
  9. Meanwhile, the Russians sit back, ready to sell Mexico more weapons as soon as the coast is clear.
Now, what do you think? Still think this is worth (maybe nuclear) war?

Gene Bob

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